Benjamin Bixby

Outdoorsy. Web Developer, Filmmaker, Photographer.

one year

01/18/2024 12:33 pm

One year gone from us.

One year thinking about the effort, the heart, what was given.

A lot of good memories.

You did a good job… I hope I can do as good as you.

making things

01/09/2024 03:12 pm

what does it look like to create things that matter?

I’m asking myself that question

I’m wondering how best to get there beyond my day to day plan

what’s worth working on? much of what I see on founders podcasts and such - it’s hard to see what the real value is

i miss my dad

02/10/2023 01:35 am

i miss my dad

twitter idea

07/11/2022 11:29 am

When someone tweets with an @ and proposes a debate - call this “enhanced conversation” or something and enable public voting on said topic - combine mutual follower counts as part of vote total and hike it to attention of twitter users / trending. Long form conversation IS THE WAY.


02/22/2021 05:50 pm

currently reading

11/05/2020 11:12 am







05/07/2020 12:47 pm
all men perish in the flames of uncertainty

what’s worth working on in 2020

12/27/2019 02:00 pm
  1. ​reading
  2. relationships with:
    1. god
    2. family
    3. my future wife
  3. my skills
  4. hobbies
  5. goals, wants, needs

If you didn’t write it down, it never happened.


11/24/2019 05:37 pm

Paypal lies.

Paypal provides false advertising of its services.

Paypal sucks.

Don’t ever use paypal. Ever.

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